Plaids are basically known and used primarily for warmth. Did you know that the term plaid comes from the Gaelic word for "blanket"? In fact, it originally refers to a Scottish mountain blanket made from tartan fabric. Nowadays, plaid comes in a variety of materials and is used in many different ways, especially as an accessory and decorative element. To enhance your sofa, here are some tips to decorate it with a plaid.

The plaid, the little decoration trick that gives a cosy effect

In recent years, the use of plaid has been very often noticed in interior design. As a bedspread, it brings softness, warmth and elegance to a room. In cotton or cashmere, strongly shifted or matched, it brings a second youth to an old sofa. The possibilities of use of the plaid are so multiple, that it has become an essential element in a decoration. It is the little decoration trick that instantly gives a warm and cosy effect to a room. Plaid and decoration make a good pair to give a cocooning effect to your interior.

Dress your whole sofa with a plaid

If you want to give your sofa a new look, you can opt for a very large plaid to cover the entire seat. For more comfort, choose very soft plaids in light or coloured tones. Then add cushions to give style to your sofa. Don't hesitate to mix colours, plains; retro, graphic, ethnic, contemporary patterns to create a cosy cushion canvas. It is a simple and inexpensive way to give the impression of having a new piece of furniture.

Dare different layouts

To bring a stylish side to your plaid, don't be afraid to dare different layouts with your plaid. There are many ways to dress your sofa without covering it completely. Also, the plaid is not just meant to be folded wisely in a corner. To add a sophisticated touch, you can, for example, place it on the armrests of your sofa like a waiter wearing a towel on his forearm. You can also place it on the back of your sofa. If you like fur plaids, choose a large plaid and don't fold it. Instead, place it on the backrest, as if it had been thrown there inattentively. The material will reveal its personality.